After the religious rage of middle age, science again started to rise up. In 1473 AD, the light of science was again brought by an unforgettable legend- Nicolas Copernicus. He first suggested the modern concept of ‘The Universe’. He is known as the father of sun-centered universe model. He brought a scientific revolution called the ‘Copernican Revolution’. He started this revolution which was later lead by Tyco Brahe, Kepler, Galileo Galilee and Newton. This five great legend has changed the view of mankind towards science. People started playing with science instead of hating it.
The controversial earth-centered model of Ptolemy was totally cancelled. The concept of ‘Scientific Process’ had born. In this new concept of the universe- sun was in the center and everything else moves around it. This is how; Copernicus replaced the place of ancient astronomer, Aristarchus. He just accepted and established the concept of Aristarchus, and sowed the seed of modern astronomy.
Just in age of 24, Copernicus became a distinctive astronomer. He observed that, the ‘Aldebron’ star is hiding behind the moon. Using self-invented devices he observed the sun. He projected the sunlight on the wall and discovered some important information on it. Thus, he became sure that, the concept of Ptolemy is wrong. At the age of 31, Copernicus observed something more interesting. He saw the moon and five other known planets of that time in the summer solstice. This observation not only showed the error of the Ptolemy model, but also clarified that Ptolemy’s prediction was also wrong. Copernicus kept observing the sky. No doubts left that, Ptolemy was wrong. Ptolemy’s concept was thrown to the trash. And another shocking matter about this observation is that, it opened a new door of possibilities for astronomy. Copernicus had to bring a brand new concept of universe- the center-less universe. So he also had to throw off Aristarchus’s earth-centered universe concept.
In 1512, Copernicus wrote an essay which he titled- ‘The Play of The Planets’. In the new universal structure Copernicus showed- the sun is the center of the solar system and the planets moves around it; and the stars are too far away to imagine. Copernicus was an astronomer between middle age and modern age. In one hand, the middle age wasn't ended yet and in other hand, science was at stake. So it was very critical situation for Copernicus to publish his essay as it might hurt people’s religious view. It could be a hazard for middle age. Copernicus was European, and in Europe, Christianity was ruling in full power at that time. Saints killed those on fire who got deviated from the Bible. So, Copernicus kept himself away from publishing that essay.
After many years, two astronomer of Hittenberg University found that essay of Copernicus. They were- Reticus and Reinhold. Copernicus was very old then, Reticus met him. Copernicus showed him the greatest creation of his life- The Revolutionibus. The book, in which, all the results of all the research of his life were written. Reticus requested him to publish it as a book.
Cover: The Revolutionibus |
After many difficulties, in April 1543, the book was published. Copernicus was bedfast as he was suffering from heart-disease. That year in June, Copernicus died. But some days before he died, he was given the book. He couldn’t read it. The title of the book was also changed. From The Revolutionibus it became- The Revolutionibus Orbium Quelestium. In the starting of that book, there was an unsigned preface in which it was written that- all the determinations and research included in this book is just a project and may not be true as astronomy can’t assure anything.
This preface wasn't written by Copernicus and he also didn't even know that this kind of preface will be included in his book. The preface cancelled the concept suggested by Copernicus. This incident makes us realize the darkness of religion. A saint named Andrew Osiander wrote that preface. He had a positive motive behind this. Because he knew that if he didn't do it, the book wouldn't be published.
The main five valuable points about the book are just like this- firstly, the earth is the center of the solar system and other planets moves around it. Secondly, the ‘so-called’ sphere of stars is way too far to imagine. This sphere is even very far than the distance between the earth and the sun. Thirdly, the objects which are seem moving in the sky because of the diurnal motion of the earth. Fourthly, the sun apparently seems moving around us, is because of earth’s annual motion. Fifthly, often it seems to us that some planets are moving in reverse. Actually it happens because of their retrograde motion.
Christian Protestants criticized Copernicus for his great contribution. To us it’s valuable, but to the saints it in nothing but zero. Copernicus was lucky as he died within some months when the book was published. But later, another scientific mind named Giordano Bruno who sacrificed himself for astronomy. Bruno considered that the stars are just like our sun, far away from us and maybe there are planets moving around them too. He was killed by the Protestants as he was preaching the concept of Copernicus among people. They burnt him alive.
What was the crime of Bruno? - Science has never asked this question to the church. Science never had and never has any serious purpose to hurt religions, and never will be. Then why religion always tortures and criticizes science? May be, no one know the answers. Today, Catholic Church begged pardon from us. But nothing comes or goes with their apology. What happened in past, is past. Science doesn't regret past.